by Kathryn | Jun 20, 2021 | Buying and Selling Real Estate, Buying or Selling Real estate, House buying mistakes, Real estate advice, selling a property, Uncategorized
For many years, it is fair to say that Real Estate agents have been operating in a “sellers market”. Post “Covid-19”, many commentators predictions have been incorrect so far. The doom and gloom and job losses that were predicted were...
by Kathryn | Jun 15, 2021 | Buying and Selling Real Estate, Renovating, Styling a home, Uncategorized
You don’t have to spend a lot of money in order to refresh the decor in your kitchen When we received a few quotations for renovating an older 60’s style kitchen and bathroom, I was visibly shaken when I read the figure put in front of me by the saleslady with the...
by Kathryn | Jun 6, 2021 | Buying and Selling Real Estate, Real estate advice, selling a property
So why don’t the buyers love your beautiful home ? It is a mistake to assume that what you like, somebody else will like too. We are all so very different in our likes and dislikes and often this has a huge affect on the selling price of our homes when we do not...
by Kathryn | Jun 4, 2021 | Buying and Selling Real Estate, Real estate advice, selling a property, Social
Thinking of selling? You would not be the first seller who has questioned what their own obligations are as to what they should disclose to potential buyers. There are some out there who will blatantly hide a defect, like a leak in the roof by giving it a quick once...
by Kathryn | Jun 2, 2021 | Buying and Selling Real Estate, Real estate advice, selling a property
Buyers buy by comparison We all love our homes, right? After all, that is why we chose them after viewing so many others. We bought by comparison after looking at similar in our price range and location. When it comes to selling them, we have to look at it as if we...