What can we learn from Millennials?

Generational differences are often quite plain to see.

My grandson, (aged six at the time) once explained to me that it was okay to believe that I could see my late husband (his Granddad) in a rainbow if it made me feel happy, but really a rainbow was just a multicolored arc made by light striking water droplets.

I tried not to laugh at his seriousness and his sweet sympathy for my ignorance as he chatted from the back seat of my car.

I figured that my son or daughter in law must have explained to him what it was at some stage.

So I learnt something that day from a 6 year old, even though secretly I still like to believe that my loved ones that are no longer here anymore enjoy the rainbows as much as I do.

Millenials are also known as Gen Y

Millennials, (also known as Gen Y) were born between 1982 and 2000, or as researched by some from 1977 – 1995.

As expected by their birth years, the Millennial generation makes up the fastest growing segment of the workforce.

This is a generation who grew up with technology, and they rely on it to perform their jobs better.

Armed with all the gadgets, this generation is plugged in 24/7. They like to communicate through email, text messaging, and whatever new social media platform friends and colleagues are using.

This is a generation that can’t even imagine a world without the internet or mobile phones.

This generation are willing to trade high pay for more flexible schedules, and a better work/life balance.

Although older generations may view this attitude as a lack of commitment, discipline, and drive, Millennials have a different idea of workplace expectations.

Millennials usually prioritize family over work, and even those who aren’t married with children feel the need to be a part of a family and spend time with their family and extended families.

Millennials like to achieve

Nurtured and pampered by parents who didn’t want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, they are confident, ambitious, and achievement-oriented.

They also have high expectations of their employers, tend to seek new challenges at work, and aren’t afraid to question authority.

Millennials are Team-Oriented

While growing up, most participated in team sports, and other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others.

Millennials are the true no-person-left-behind generation, loyal and committed. They want to be included and involved.

They do however need feedback and guidance and mostly appreciate being kept in the loop. They need frequent praise and reassurance.

Millennials may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their talents.

This is where the Boomers come in handy because (though mostly retired), they have something to offer and see mentoring millennials as one way that they can continue to contribute in the workforce.

A potential downside of Millenials is that they’re always looking for something new and better.

It’s not uncommon for a millennial to stay with a Company for only two or three years before moving on to a position they think is better. They often bring with them a variety of experiences to a new job.

Unlike previous generations, they do not take a job and then hold onto it for as long as humanly possible. Instead, they go out and create a new app or fund a trendy start-up.

Generation Y possesses many characteristics that are unique in comparison to past generations.

I know that I am so proud of my own 2 sons who show such courage, tenacity and I am always in awe of their abilities.

So we can all learn from each other. Each generation possesses special traits that evolve in moving us forward as a human race.

We should rejoice in the qualities that make us all so unique in the generation that we were born into.

Children must be taught how to think, not what to think

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