Finding your cheer

It is that time of year again! 2020 has been a very different year for all of us worldwide.

Finding your inner cheer at Christmas for many people these days can be difficult. Since Covid-19 it has become slightly harder to gather as a family if you are spread all over the world.

Whatever the reason, if there are less familiar faces present at Christmas, it does make it harder to find your cheer.

The Christmas Spirit

I realised that I have dreaded Christmas since I lost my husband to cancer nearly 7 years ago now. I know that others who have lost loved ones often feel the same.

It is a feeling of wanting to go into hiding until the day is over. No matter how hard people try to make you feel at ease, it is hard finding that same spirit of Christmas that was there before.

When you grow older, family pressures, work commitments, loneliness, or other things can make you lose the wondrous spirit of Christmas. When money is tight and time is as well, you can end up feeling disappointed, sad or just dreading Christmas altogether.

Doesn’t everyone deserve the opportunity to feel special at Christmas?

Restoring your Christmas spirit seems like a worthy thing to do.

Here are some things that could help you find your cheer

  • Decorate your home while playing Christmas music.
  • Bake some Christmas cookies and package and decorate them to take to people that you know who will be on their own.
  • Get out of the house and volunteer to get involved and to keep busy.
  • Take some time out for yourself and treat yourself to something special.
  • Enjoy listening to the Christmas Carols at your local Church or Community Hall.
  • Give compassion to people who are hurting, discouraged or lost – Be kind always.
  • Take a walk around the neighbourhood and admire others efforts with their Christmas decorations. Many people go to great lengths to decorate their houses which is really nice.

Having a generous heart has very little to do with the amount of money we spend on gifts or on how much we give to charities.

Remember, Christmas is the celebration of the birth of God and our new beginnings. It is a magical season that is supposed to bring joy, love, and togetherness within families and friends.

“The gift should always be in the giving”

©2020|| Author| Kathryn